Enabling Advisors to Manage Their Chat Communications with Study Abroad Aspirants

Meet Desai
4 min readMay 25, 2024


About the company

Yocket is a one-stop platform where students connect, collaborate, and get guidance from experts, forming a community dedicated to turning every dream of studying abroad into a reality.


Yocket counsellors guide study abroad students in various processess involved in the application to abroad universities such as documents review, finance planning, visa assistence etc. For the whole process they use Yocket’s internal user management webapp Superocket.

In 2022 we wanted to introduce chats feature on Supercoket. I was assigned on this task for the whole project.

Problem Statements

  1. Inefficient Communication Channels:
  • Counsellors currently switch between Superocket and Yocket accounts for communication.
  • Chats feature is unavailable on Superocket, forcing a platform switch.

2. Time Inefficiency:

  • Switching between platforms consumes time.
  • Lack of integrated communication tools hampers efficiency.

3. Confusion in Process:

  • Platform switching creates confusion for counsellors.
  • Lack of streamlined communication affects productivity.


  • Develop a solution to facilitate seamless communication within a single platform.
  • Ensure counsellors can efficiently interact with study abroad aspirants without needing to switch platforms.
  • Save time and enhance productivity by integrating chat features into the existing system.

Streamlining Student Support: Introducing Counsellor Chats

  1. Messages
  • Header will have group/profile name & info, search option for messages, group/profile info.
  • Messages sent from the users end will be in a light shade of brand color.
  • Each message will have sender’s info, more options, time of message.
    At bottom we have a message input where they can enter the message they want to send.

2. Searching Messages

  • When the user clicks on search icon, the search panel will open on the right side which will devide the layout in 3 columns.
  • Search bar will be in focus by default.
  • Back arrow will close the search panel.
  • On clicking the results message, the searched message will be highlighted inside the chat.

3. Searching conversations

  • Efficiently search through past conversations, facilitating easy access to relevant information

4 . Create task from messages

  • Advisors can directly create tasks for themselves or their team members from messages

5. Group info

  • When the user clicks on info icon, the group info panel will open on the right side.
  • The panel will have group info, description, and members information.
    Cross icon will close the group info panel.

6. Error message

7. Empty states

The Impact of Chats on Student-Counsellor Interaction

  1. Efficient Communication Channels: A counsellor, while reviewing a student’s profile on Superocket, can directly initiate a chat with the student to discuss their application progress or answer any queries without needing to switch platforms.
  2. Time Efficiency: Instead of spending time logging in and out of different platforms, counsellors can instantly communicate with students within Superocket, saving valuable time that can be utilized for assisting more students or focusing on other tasks.
  3. Clarity in Process: Counsellors no longer need to remember which platform to use for different types of communication. They can rely on Superocket for all interactions with students, leading to a more organized and clear communication process.

It’s a Wrap! Hope You Found It Interesting!

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at meetdesai.design@gmail.com. I’d be happy to engage in a conversation with you.

